Flowing River Conflict Solutions LLC provides training design, meeting and workshop facilitation, and Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) services to help people navigate conflict with confidence. Our relationship-focused training and coaching solutions can help your organization improve its culture, retain its best and brightest, optimize its performance, and adapt better to change. Founder and President, Valerie Polunas, has over 20 years of experience managing conflict resolution, cross-cultural understanding, leadership development, and workforce skilling program portfolios for organizations in the non-profit, for-profit, and public service sectors and is ready to serve you. For more information, visit www.flowingrivercs.com!
Training Design & Development
Outcomes-focused design is essential for successful learning transfer and behavioral change. We start with your end goal in mind and work with you through a three-phase process to design a training that fits your goals, format of choice, timing, and budget. You get personalized planning sessions, a partner in content development, and a comprehensive portfolio of materials housed in an accessible repository.
Meeting & Workshop Facilitation
Guided conversation. That’s what you get when we facilitate for you. We provide an organized structure, the opportunity for all voices to be heard, relevant stories, and space for participants to apply skills and teach one another. We work in partnership with you to make sure you have a meaningful and productive experience. You get personalized planning, help promoting the event via social media, well-executed facilitation, and follow up recommendations to continue your learning.
Team Coaching
Whether you need to navigate a conflict, bridge gaps among team members, define vision or roles, decide whether to move forward with a new idea or project, or reconcile varying perspectives, Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) can help. Your coach will conduct a thorough assessment of your organization or team, build a bespoke coaching plan, facilitate coaching sessions, and serve as an accountability mechanism for your team. You get personalized coaching, coaching sessions on your schedule, and goal setting support for effectiveness beyond coaching.